Donations are always welcome!!
Memberships in the Christie Home Society
Any person may become a member of the society by payment of annual dues.
Classes of members and dues are as follows:
2021 Membership rates:
Student - to age 18 $ 5.00
Individual $10.00
Family $20.00
(Above rates are paid annually)
Life (individual) $200.00
Friend of the Christie Home $500.00
Membership Perks:
Paid membership entitles the member to free regular tours.
Payment for memberships may be sent, along with your name, address, and email address, to:
Christie Home
% Treasurer
703 3rd Ave SE
Long Prairie, MN 56347
A membership card will be mailed to you upon receipt of payment.
Life members and Friends are acknowledged with their names engraved on plaques in the carriage house.